Reader matter:

I’ve come across this girl repeatedly in the supermarket. I’m able to tell she’s very shy. Im in addition shy and I also don’t want to make an awkward circumstance for her.

We have made up my mind to express hi the very next time We see the lady. Saying hi could be the effortless component. She’s extremely pretty, but I don’t wish my very first review becoming about her looks.

Precisely what do I say? How do you keep a discussion going? How do I create this lady feel comfortable when she appears thus shy?

-Randy (Ohio)

Dr. Wendy Walsh’s Response:

Dear Randy,

I once had men in a food store tell me I happened to be appealing and would I-go on with him, and that I ran for slopes.

A female fades with a person not considering that the guy has an interest but because she actually is interested. Very provide the lady something to be interested in.

Concentrate on anything but one another. Talk about the current weather, the create, provide her a tip on how to grill the beef she’s purchasing or news about the peculiar cashier lady.

Any conversation will provide you with a way to display your self. By talking about anything outside toward both of you, you may reduce the anxiety.

You can do this. Begin a conversation.

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